- Addressable fire alarm system
- Supports 99 detectors and 99 modules
- 4 NACs
- Built-in dual-path phone and IP communicator
- Optional cellular communicator
User guide
- Addressable fire alarm system
- Supports 50 addressable devices
- 2 NACs
- Built-in dual path phone and IP communicator
- Optional cellular communicator
User guide
- Addressable fire alarm system
- Supports 159 detectors and 159 modules
- 4 NACs
- Optional voice evac
- Optional standard phone, IP, and cellular dialers/communicators
- Networkable with up to 200 nodes (limit varies based on node types)
- Addressable fire alarm system
- Supports 159 detectors and 159 modules on 1 SLC
- Expandable to 2 SLCs for a total of 318 detectors and 318 modules
- 4 NACs
- Optional voice evac
- Optional standard phone, IP, and cellular dialers/communicators
- Networkable with up to 200 nodes (limit varies based on node types)
User guide
- 10-zone conventional fire alarm system
- 4 NACs
- Built-in dialer
- Optional class A convertor module to make all circuits class A
- Optional IP communicator for IP monitoring or IP monitoring with phone backup
- 2-zone conventional fire alarm system
- 1 NAC
- 4-zone conventional fire alarm system
- 2 NACs
- Optional class A converter to make all circuits class A
- 5-zone conventional fire alarm system
- 4 NACs
- Built-in dialer
- Optional class A convertor module to make all circuits class A
- Optional IP communicator for IP monitoring or IP monitoring with phone backup